Sunday, January 12, 2020

Secondary Superheroes is out!

Even though I don't think Amazon will be offering it until 2/4/20, I got my author's copies from McFarland and am VERY proud. ;-)  Secondary Superheroes of Golden Age Comics covers the histories of 1940's superheroes that don't usually get as much attention as the Big Boys, i.e., companies like Centaur, Harvey, MLJ (later Archie), Nedor, Lev Gleason, Prize, and all the rest.  I've always wanted to have an in-depth centralized history of the "other" heroes of the time, such as the Shield, the Black Cat, Crimebuster, Blue Beetle, Black Terror, Dynamic Man, Frankenstein, and all the rest.  So I ended up writing one.  At about 450 pages, it does the job quite nicely, I think.  Here's a link to our first review:

Gonna thank Bud Plant for it and hope you'll read and enjoy the book and the review.

In other news, I'm researching for an upcoming Frankenstein book and doing a script for an upcoming CREEPS.  Other goodies should be coming up this year, both in prose and comics.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Everything begins!

Hello, everyone!  (Assuming there's more than one of you reading this...)

I'm Lou Mougin (obviously), a new writer (probably obvious, too), and this is my first blog post here (PAINFULLY obvious).  My work is mainly in comics or about comics and in New Pulp, a venerable action-adventure genre.  Enough of you out there have liked it for me to gather my courage, negate my better judgment, and start this as a tool of communication and promotion.  I've been writing for a long time, getting published for a lesser time (from the Eighties up, in various places), and wanted a place to clue you in as to what I'm working on and have coming up.

So, let's see.

Hopefully you've checked out Monster in the Mansions, my sequel to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (and boy, does that sound arrogant when I put it like that!).  The first sequel, Monster in the Lost Land, should be coming out in 2020.  I'm working on the third volume in the series and it's about a third of the way through, but it's in research mode now.  Frank is a lot of fun to write--he gets to tell his story in the first person--and we're including historical involvement as well as an unexpected crossover in each story.  So give Mansions a look-see if you haven't already, and be ready for the next one as soon as Pro Se can get it out!

Soon enough, our first Crom the Barbarian novel from Lucky Press will be available.  Crom derives from a classic 50's-era character created by Gardner Fox for Avon Comics.  He's not the same as Conan, but close enough to be a thematic neighbor, and there's tons of swordplay, sorcery, adventure, romance, and a very powerful bad guy to boot.  The subtitle is The Zaltus War, and I loved putting this prose book together.  I'm hoping you have just as much fun reading it--and I think you will!

Joe the Detective Computer has already appeared in a short story in Legends of Pulp Fiction, but I've already written an anthology of stories for him.  The shamus of the cyberworld will be making his way down those mean virtual pathways in the near future, with new characters, new adversaries, and just as much action as before, at least.  This one's coming out from Airship 27, so be watching for it.  And keep your fedoras handy.

In comics, we've had a good year's worth of stories in The Creeps, which see.  I've worked with a plethora of artists who would have done Warren's old Creepy and Eerie proud, and we're not stopping yet.  Coming up in the next issue is a double-header:  "Wrecks" and "The House Always Wins".  No spoilers here, but I don't think you'll be disappointed by these two tales.  I sure wasn't!

Also out possibly by the time you read this will be InDELLible's House of Spades #1, another comic chillfest, featuring "Lifeline" by myself and an exciting new artist, Cesar Maderro.  Don't deny yourself this one!  He did an excellent job on it.  And for those of you who dug Dunc and Loo, our teenage funsters from 1962 New York, in Tales From the Tomb #1, be it known that our incomparable illustrator Andy MacPhee and yours truly already have more D&L adventures in the works.  Everyone seems to like 'em, so we'll keep doing 'em!

Finally, for those of you into comics history, or superhero fans in general, be looking for Secondary Superheroes of Comics' Golden Age, scheduled for publication by McFarland on 2/4/20.  Most four-color fans know about Superman, Batman, Captain America, Captain Marvel and the like...but until you know about the Shield, the Black Lion, Shock Gibson, Speed Centaur, the Iron Skull, and the Black Dwarf, your education just isn't complete!  You're gonna love this one!

That's all we have for this blog.  Enjoy, and feel free to feedback.  Adios!